
Category: Spirituality [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Al-Ghazali on Patience and Thankfulness: Book XXXII of the Revival of the Religious Sciences (Ghazali Series) 
ISBN: 1903682657 
ISBN 13: 9781903682654 
Salat & Salam: In Praise of Allah's Most Beloved: A Manual of Blessings & Salutations on the Prophet 
Year: 2007 
ISBN: 1933764023 
ISBN 13: 9781933764023 
Prayers of Occasions: A Handbook of Muslim Salah 
Year: 2010 
ISBN: 0956455808 
ISBN 13: 9780956455802 
A Guide to Ramadan and Fasting 
Year: 2006 
ISBN: 1842000799 
ISBN 13: 9781842000793 
Faith in Divine Unity and Trust in Divine Providence: The Revival of the Religious Sciences Book XXXV (The Revival of the Religious Sciences, Book 35) 
Edition: 62700th 
Year: 2001 
ISBN: 1887752358 
ISBN 13: 9781887752350 
Jawanmardi: A Sufi Code of Honour 
Edition: 1 
Year: 2011 
ISBN: 0748641823 
ISBN 13: 9780748641826 
Sufi Metaphysics and Quranic Prophets: Ibn 'Arabi's Thought and Method in the Fusus al-Hikam 
Year: 2003 
ISBN: 1903682061 
ISBN 13: 9781903682067 
The Shape of Light: Hayakal al-Nur 
Edition: 2nd Printing ed. 
Year: 1998 
ISBN: 1887752153 
ISBN 13: 9781887752152 
The Book of Ascension to the Essential Truths of Sufism: (Mi'raj al-tashawwuf ila haqa'iq al-tasawwuf) A Lexicon of Sufic Terminology 
Edition: Bilingual 
Year: 2012 
ISBN: 1891785842 
ISBN 13: 9781891785849 
The Destitute [Kitab Al-Masakin] 
Year: 2014 
ISBN: 1906949220 
ISBN 13: 9781906949228